Iridology is a naturopathic diagnostic technique. It is the study of the iris of the eye.
Conventional methods of diagnosis concentrate on finding exactly what is wrong i.e. a tumour or an inflammation in a particular area.
Iridology however is more concerned with looking at the conditions which exist throughout the whole body. An iridologist believes that it is these very conditions which will have allowed the particular situation of ill health to arise.
Iridology therefore may be useful when designing natural treatment programmes to assist with a variety of different health problems. It may be a useful guide to help one determine what may be causing a particular labelled disease or group of symptoms. Due to the fact that the iris changes according to what is going on in the body iridology may also be used to monitor a course of treatment.
Finally as iridology can reflect certain conditions in the body long before they develop into anything more serious it may prove to be an excellent tool to use as a preventative measure.
Please note that iridology is not meant to be a replacement for the excellent conventional medical diagnosis available today. It is purely a means by which a therapist can get an in-depth view about the conditions occurring within the body. Conventional medical diagnosis and iridology diagnosis are two completely different things based on very different principles.
The Iris Chart
As the iris chart shows the whole body is mapped out in miniature in the iris. Around the pupil at the very centre of the iris we can find the organs of the digestive system. Right at the outer edge of the iris is the skin zone. The other parts of the body fall between.
In general the right iris represents the right side of the body and the left the left.
What exactly does Iridology show
Iridology shows areas of toxic build up, where exactly these are situated and the degree and type of toxicity. For the body to function efficiently its toxic load needs to be low.
Inherited weakness can also be seen in the iris. Knowing where areas of weakness exist helps an individual to make lifestyle changes and therefore reduce the likelihood of future health problems associated with these weaknesses.
Under function and over function of particular organs, glands and body systems can be detected again proving useful to determine an appropriate treatment.
An imbalance in certain macro minerals can be detected in the iris. This information is particularly useful when dealing with problems associated with the circulatory system and also the musculoskeletal system.
Inflammation and irritation of tissues can be viewed, again pin pointing exact location and severity of the problem.
An iridologist will be able to get an idea of how well an individual’s digestive system is functioning. This is how efficiently they are breaking down food, absorbing nutrients and eliminating toxicity from the body. This may be useful when dealing with symptoms relating to poor digestion and nutrient deficiency.
The strength of a person’s constitution can be seen in the iris and this along with the other signs listed above can help an iridologist to build a picture about an individual’s overall vitality. Again this is useful when planning and monitoring treatment programmes as those with lowered vitality may take that little bit longer to heal and need a little bit of extra help than a person with a strong vitality.
Therefore it can be said that by building a picture of a person’s inner health through the iris, iridology may be helpful in many ways. Whilst it is not designed to replace proper medical diagnosis and will never diagnose a labelled condition, for example asthma or arthritis, it may help to reveal which areas of the body are struggling and need attention and also help to determine the underlying issues that may be contributing to a person’s ill health.
What happens during an Iridology examination
During an iridology examination the iris is read using a torch magnifier and the results plotted on the iris chart. The findings are then discussed with the client along with an appropriate treatment programme.
Iridology is suitable for any age although wearers of contact lenses are requested to remove them where possible.
Claire incorporates iridology when requested by the client into her nutritional therapy consultations helping her to gain a deeper understanding about a person’s health.
When Claire trained in Nutritional Medicine, Iridology was an optional part of the course. She ventured into this in an open minded way to see if it would be of any use to her in her practice.
Over the years it has proved to be an invaluable tool.
Whilst Claire never discourages clients from undergoing conventional medical investigations, and sometimes even suggests them, Iridology has given her an extra insight into the health of many of her clients.