Reflexology is a natural therapy that has been used since ancient times to promote healing and bring balance to the body.
The whole body is mapped out in miniature on the feet and the individual areas which represent the organs, glands and systems of the body are referred to as the reflex points.
In other words as the diagram below shows the whole body is reflected on the feet.
During a treatment a reflexologist will apply specific massage and pressure point techniques to the reflex points in order to stimulate the body’s own healing powers. In doing so it is thought that energy flow, or the flow of chi, to the area is improved and any areas of congestion that may be hindering optimum function will be broken down and dispersed.
It is thought that a reflexology treatment may help to rebalance the body and bring about an improved state of health.
Each reflexology treatment is commenced and completed with a soothing massage of the lower legs and feet which enhances the overall feeling of relaxation that the treatment promotes and relieves any specific tension present in these areas.
Reflexology is thought to assist in the treatment of many different health issues both on a physical and emotional level. Seeing that many of today’s ills are either caused or exacerbated by stress, simply taking an hour out for yourself and experiencing the relaxing balancing effects of a reflexology treatment can bring about an improved sense of wellbeing.
By helping to balance the nervous system and de-stress the body reflexology may help with any condition that is caused or aggravated by tension and stress.
Reflexology can also be used as a preventative therapy. By keeping the organs, glands and systems of the body in balance and by strengthening their function reflexology may help to maintain a state of good health.
What happens during a Reflexology treatment
Each reflexology treatment lasts for approximately 1 hour with a little time available afterwards for the client to relax and soak up the benefits of the treatment.
During the initial consultation a full medical history is taken to check that it is suitable for a person to commence treatment and also to discuss the reasons for them wanting a treatment.
Many people are concerned that a treatment may be painful or even ticklish!! Firstly the pressure is firm so even the most sensitive of individuals are usually okay!! Secondly the reflexologist will adjust the pressure to suit the client. Whilst some individuals will love a firm treatment consisting of deep massage of the reflex points others may prefer a lighter more gentle and relaxing touch.
The treatment will always be designed to suit the individual as their comfort throughout the treatment is of utmost importance!
Reflexology is suitable for any age although younger children will require a much shorter treatment.
After care advice will always be given helping to accentuate the lasting positive effects of a treatment.
Claire introduced reflexology into her practice shortly after becoming a nutritional therapist as a means of helping people who may not wish to adopt the nutritional therapy route to help with their health issues.
She finds that many individuals gain a great benefit from stepping off the treadmill of daily life even just for the hour to relax and enjoy her treatments.
Many people come as they want to assist in the treatment of an ongoing health issue or improve their general sense of wellbeing. Others however come purely to take some time out for themselves and to just relax.
Whatever their reason many people find that reflexology promotes an overall improved sense of well-being and equilibrium.